Printable Form - Disaster AARP

AARP Foundation Donation Form

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AARP Foundation
Your tax-deductible contribution offers a helping hand to seniors in need -- not a handout. Because of caring people like you, individuals in your community and nationwide will receive the help they need to live with independence, dignity, and control.


One-time Gift Amount (circle one):     $25     $50     $100     $250     $500

                                                           Other $_________ (minimum $5)

Credit Card Contribution:
o Please charge the above amount to my credit card. My credit card information is provided on this form.

Check Contribution:
o I have included a check for the above amount, made payable to AARP Foundation.

Please charge my (circle one):

VISA     MasterCard     American Express     Discover

Credit Card # __________________________________  Expiration Date ________

Print Name As It Appears On Card: _____________________________________

Signature: _____________________________________

Address ____________________________________________________________

City _________________________  State __________  Postal Code ___________

o Please keep in touch with me by email about AARP Foundation events and activities.

Email: _____________________________________________________________

Please send this form and your contribution to:
AARP Foundation
PO Box 93157
Long Beach, CA 90809-3157

Your donation is tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. Please remember AARP Foundation in your will and estate plan. Thank you!